Saturday, 25 February 2012

++ bus ++

dh hmpir 2 minggu aq x brceloteh kt blog aq ni.. 
amaklum la.. sibuk stdy.. n pling pnting aq xde internet connection kt bilik aq..
so, weekends aq balik umh akak aq,.., boleyh la nk brceloteh ckit...
entry kli ni nk citer sal naik bus....


al-kisah bermula ble pada satu ptg, on my way to my sister's house, 
takdir tuhan bus tu mmg fully loaded.. so aq trpaksa brdiri... 
even journey tu amik mse around 45 minutes, i dont really bother bout it.. 
adat brdiri msti la kne angkat tngan ke atas sbb nk hold palang besi tu..,
 maka, "telaga minyak" akan terbuka la... 

nk dijadikan citer, ada sowg mamat kt blkg aq.., berdiri..., tngh hold palang besi,.... 
skali dia angkat tangan dia. ... 
bau cm @#$% $%^&*#..!!! 

mmg aq tersiksa brdiri kt atas bus tu.. 
ce korang imagine, i got to stand for that "aroma" more than 30 minutes... damn..!! 
and i was like .....

 tersiksa sngt.., !! nk di jadikan citer agy, that guy is also one the KMS students.. oh god..!! 
the most important part.. aq slalu jmpa dia mse exchange kuliah..... my god,,..
luckily, aq just nmpk dia dri jauh..., x duduk dkt ngn dia..,

i guess dia x alert ngn dri dia kot..
dia x sdar yg dia tu smelly... if he was, he would put some deodorant on him...
xpe lh....sooner or later dia akn prasan about himself... i guess so..
hahahah.... so korang lau ade prasan korang tu ada bau bauan yg x mnyenangkan, 
pkai lh deodorant ke, perfume ke, ape2 je lh wangi... 
aq pown brpeluh smelly jgak... tp aq pkai deodorant ... 
so x bau la.... heheheh...bye2..

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